Does anyone else have some Spring fever? I don't mind winter and heaven knows we need the snow in the mountains to make it through the summer (we are in a serious drought), but I could really go for some warmer days and more time outside.
March was a busy month for me and my family. My cousin and I road tripped to Oregon to visit my sister. 13 hours in a car with two kids (2 and 1) is an adventure. My niece also got married at the end of the month so we stayed at the family cabin and attended the ceremony and reception.
As for quilting, not quite as much as I hoped, but I did finish this one for my son.
It was supposed to be finished for Christmas, but life happens so now he will get it for his birthday in June. I also finished a quilt top that is for a Christmas present this year (don't be impressed, it was actually supposed to be for Christmas 2 years ago), and I'm almost done quilting a jelly roll quilt I started in September.
Of course I'm going to be starting a new project amid the 4,956 projects I've started but not finished. The priority will be a quilt for my cousin who was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.

She starts chemo this week and I want to get it to her as soon as possible. I ordered background fabric that
I am impatiently waiting for so I can get going. She's really into space (nebulas, blackholes, etc) so I'm going with that theme. I can't decide if I want to keep the four fabrics on the left or not.
Hopefully the sun is shining where you are and you are sewing, quilting, crafting, or whatever other hobby brings you joy.
Also check out the new half yard and fat quarter bundles in the shop!